「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2015年12月11日 星期五

“A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Data Points”;新德里證實日本承建印度國內首條高鐵

This Week's Podcast: 

Lynda Finn, President of Statistical Insight, LLC and Facilitator for The Deming Institute
“A Picture Is Worth A
Thousand Data Points”
Article Image
This week's podcast features the first episode of our "Knowledge In Variation Series" with Lynda Finn, President of Statistical Insight and facilitator of The Deming Institute's 2.5 Day Seminar.  Lynda discusses the importance of moving from spreadsheets to plotting data, and the common mistakes that organizations make if they aren't charting their data.
Lynda's Deming journey began when, shortly out of graduate school, she met Dr. Deming at one of his public seminars.  From that point on she has been helping spread his ideas through her own consulting company and her work with The Deming Institute.
She starts by sharing some of the hardest things for people to grasp about the Deming philosophy.  Though it varies, Lynda finds it's most difficult when Deming's ideas don't align with the practices people feel have contributed their success.
The episode centers on why organizations should be plotting their data on charts rather than just using spreadsheets.  She feels that if the number is important enough to have on a table, then it should be important enough to see it in its proper context.
Lynda outlines the mistakes people make if they aren't charting their data, starting with not caring enough to see what the data is telling them. The most important reason for charting data is so that everyone sees the same thing and can come to a common conclusion about what's happening and how to improve.  How can you "see" what the data's telling you if you don't make a picture of it?
The Deming Podcast Moderator is Tripp Babbitt, Service Design Architect, The 95 Method. 
Upcoming Deming Institute Events:
          Tipp City, OH, February 9-11, 2016
  • Deming in Education Two-Day Introductory Workshop
          Seattle, WA, March 11-12, 2016

  • Deming in Education Four-Day Quality Learning Seminar
          Seattle, WA, July 19-22, 2016
  • Deming Institute Annual Fall Conference
          Michigan State University, September 30-October 2, 2016

  • 2nd Annual Deming in Education Conference
         Atlanta, GA, Fall 2016 (date to be determined)

This week's podcast features the first episode of our "Knowledge In Variation Series" with Lynda…

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印度政府高級政策顧問帕納加里亞(Arvind Panagariya)領導的一個小組認為,日本"新幹線"從投入使用至今從未發生過事故,所以建議政府採納日本的投資計劃。


