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2015年7月28日 星期二

飛雅特克萊斯勒未召修 罰33億。道奇牌(Dodge)車對他人殺傷率高

飛雅特克萊斯勒未召修 罰33億

飛雅特克萊斯勒公司願收購有瑕疵的Dodge Ram貨卡。翻攝網路
【韓政燕╱綜合報導】義大利與美國車廠合組的飛雅特克萊斯勒(Fiat Chrysler)汽車前天宣布,已與美國國家公路交通安全管理局(NHTSA)達成協議,因其未依規定進行23次安全性召修,須繳1.05億美元(約33.2億元台幣,下同)罰款,還須回購瑕疵車輛,創美國史上召修罰款紀錄新高。

NHTSA局長羅斯凱說,「飛雅特克萊斯勒欠佳的表現模式,讓數百萬客戶及駕駛置身危險。」據NHTSA報告,飛雅特克萊斯勒未召修次數達23次,影響逾1100萬輛車,包括暢銷車Dodge Ram貨卡、Chrysler Aspen貨卡、Dodge Durango休旅車等。目前這些車國內未代理。 
其中Dodge Ram的操縱零件瑕疵會導致駕駛失控,部分瑕疵無法修正。飛雅特克萊斯勒已同意向車主收購或免費維修。據目前行情,光收購4分之1瑕疵車,成本就達791億元。其他瑕疵是較舊款貨卡,油箱設計在後車軸,易在後撞事故中失火,據統計至少75人死於相關事故,NHTSA未來3年會監督其召修程序。 




Dodging the data

The car brand most likely to kill occupants of other cars in an accident.
Gregory Nemec

Gregory Nemec

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Dodge vehicles carry aggressive names: Challenger. Charger. Ram. It’s perhaps no coincidence, says Law School professor Ian Ayres ’81, ’86JD, that on safety, Dodge has one of the most aggressive records in the industry. By “aggressive,” he means having the “propensity to kill or injure someone in another vehicle.”
When a Dodge crashes, people in the other vehicle are 2.2 times more likely to die than those in the Dodge, Ayres and law professor Amy Kapczynski ’03JD found in an analysis of US auto fatalities. In other words, Ayres says in an interview, “for every life inside the car that’s being saved, relative to the median, their cars are killing two people outside the car.” That’s the highest ratio of external to internal fatalities of any carmaker. (Ayres and Kapczynski calculated the ratios for their article “Innovation Sticks,” to be published in December in the University of Chicago Law Review.)
A spokesman for FCA, Dodge’s manufacturer, responds: “The company takes seriously its commitment to public safety and designs its vehicles accordingly. All vehicles produced by FCA US LLC meet or exceed applicable safety standards.”
Having a fleet that’s safer than average inside but more dangerous outside is “a fairly unusual trait” among auto companies, Ayres says, and it “raises interesting ethical questions, not just for Dodge and other laggard manufacturers but for consumers.” Academic literature on innovation “focuses almost exclusively on which type of carrot is the best” incentive, but “it occurred to us that you could have sticks”—financial penalties for low performers. (Other auto-related areas do: speed limits and fuel-efficiency standards, for example.) Fines for persistently high fatality averages would raise a new question for auto companies: “There are tons of other cars that are doing better than yours. Are there measures you could take to bring your fatality rate down?”

